Monday, December 31, 2012

The Ending of Something Grand

It's that time of year when...well when the year ends. Thankfully the Mayans goofed and another year is on its way. :)

2012 was a BIG year for me! We're talking life-changing events people! Here are the big (and small) highlights from my year.


I got engaged! 

(okay, okay, technically this was in 2011 (Dec 30), but close enough, right?)

Also this month, I bought my wedding dress and started planning my summer wedding while student teaching full time and taking 2 college classes.


Brad Paisley and Band Perry concert.


Completed college! Here is a picture that shows me on my very first day of Pre-School just before I turned 3 and then my very last day of college at age 22.

I was a Bridesmaid for my girlfriend.



Enjoyed my first of 3 showers back at school with all my wonderful girlfriends!

Filled out a bracket, watched the games, and won my first March Madness.


We got engagement pictures taken.


I graduated from college!


I married the man of my dreams!
This event deserves two pictures 

We honeymooned in Cabo san Lucas, Mexico.


I was a Bridesmaid for my dear friend and college roommate.

This month included several boating and camping adventures as well as lots of homemaking tasks.

I got hired as a Kindergarten Teacher!
(my official school picture)
Baughman Mrs S.jpg 


We picked our apples, made our own crockpot applesauce and canned it!


Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes concert.


I turned 23


First Christmas as a married couple!

Engaged, graduation, marriage, new job...yep big year :D and I wouldn't go back and change a single thing!