
Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Grand Exception

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to sleep in. I look forward to Saturday mornings just for the sake of NOT being awake for them. I love the sound of no alarm clocks. Mmmm! My hubby knows not to plan anything before 10:00 am for Saturdays and that even a an appointment before noon is pushing it :)

BUT, once in a great while there is a grand enough reason to make an exception to my lovely rule.

The alarms went off at 7:30,  hubby made a delicious breakfast of champions, we bundled up in several layers, and I made a hazelnut latte to help keep me warm. We grabbed all the coupons in sight and headed to the mall for...

JoAnn's Grand Opening!

Our new store actually opened two weeks ago but Thursday, Friday, and today were the grand opening days. Each day, the first 100 customers received a gift card for either $10, $20, or $250 and you could enter a drawing for a $500 card. There were also several coupons for these days specifically. My mom went and got a $10 card on Thursday and put in entries for us. I had to work Friday but this is where my amazing husband comes in.

EVEN THOUGH Friday is his day off and day to sleep in and EVEN THOUGH it's the first weekend of March Madness and he had basketball games to be watching...he woke up early and got to JoAnn's before 9am to stand in line for an hour to get a gift card for me and enter us in the drawing!! you can tell by the picture, he went with me AGAIN this morning (and, YES, there's basketball on again this morning)! I didn't even ask him to! Isn't he the best?!?!?

We got there at 9am and were numbers 27 and 28 in line and he was one of 7 (proud) men (to support their wives love of crafting).We played 20 questions to pass the time and keep our minds busy from thinking about how dang cold it was.
Between him yesterday and both of us today, we got three $10 cards! YAY!

 I only bought 2 things (gotta use those 50% off coupons you know!) A couple craft projects recently have made me realize that I need a good variety of paint brush sizes so I got this great value pack for $4 (with the coupon). The pack of Sharpie paint markers is for school (I will explain why in my next blog post) and cost $7.50 (with the coupon).

We were in and out in 11 minutes! Sure I could have spent longer in that wonderful store! But my husband had done a really nice thing for me so I wanted to get home as soon as we could so he could watch basketball. On the way home, I mentioned how blessed he really was! Two years ago, he never would have imagined he would spend two mornings of March Madness weekend in an hour-long line in the freezing cold weather for a craft store gift card! Yep, he's blessed :)

Do you like to sleep in? What would your exception to the rule be?


  1. He IS blessed and such a blessing as well. <3

  2. I love it! That was so nice of Nate, especially during March Madness! You are an inspiration with your crafting. :)
