
Friday, November 9, 2012

Snow is Magical

SNOW???? In early November??? unfortunately, yes. It has snowed here. So crazy to me how two weeks ago we took our fall pictures. The temperatures just dropped so suddenly and it decided fall was over I guess.

Now don't get me wrong, I love snow, and I like winter. BUT, I like all 4 seasons in their time. Instead, where we live we get winter for 5 months minimum. Enhhhh ya, so I'm not so eager for it to shorten our beautiful fall. It can come, but when it's supposed to come. Well apparently the weather doesn't give a hoot what I think...or even consider what I might want (or not want) for my birthday (which is tomorrow)....and it snowed yesterday. Quite a bit. It hasn't melted. It's staying. It's colder. Winter is here.

GROAN. Yes I did groan a bit last night and then this morning when I drove to work.

BUT THEN...on my way home from work, something happened. The snow was so pretty on all the trees, the bite in the air made me want hot chocolate, peppermint mochas, warm meals, a fire, and all of a sudden I started thinking about all the winter decorating and crafts I want to do. The meals I want to make, the goodies I want to bake, the gifts I want to give and hopefully receive at Christmas, the songs I want to listen to (but not yet...I will stand firm in some things). And all in a 15 minute commute, I decided that I liked the snow and okay, it was winter, bring it on. I'm ready, I'm looking forward to it. I want to get into the spirit, be crafy, be home-makery, and be hostessy. We shall see how much time I ACTUALLY have for all these aspirations since my workload literally doubles in a couple weeks and school doesn't get out for break until Dec 22...YUCK.

As soon as I got home, I went out to take a few pictures. Its not totally enough snow to be a winter wonderland, but it was enough to work its magic on me. :)


  1. SO crazy it's already snowed! But your pictures definitely capture the snow beautifully :) Glad you are enjoying it and looking forward to more wintery activities!

  2. That IS some magical snow! :) Sure wish we had some of that up north. ;)

