
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Which season is it?

Well technically it is still summer. But based on my  mood, the brisk mornings, and leaves changing colors it seems like fall. I am so excited that fall officially begins on Friday! I love summer, don't get me wrong. Every February, I start craving summer. But as August wears away and September comes, I am SO ready for pumpkin spice lattes, leather boots, sweaters, fall colors, apple desserts, new school supplies, my birthday and Thanksgiving! This year I add football to the list since I now have a Fantasy team (gasp! I know, but that's what happens when you marry a guy who is into sports). I'm actually enjoying it and doing pretty good. We have a few fun activities on the calendar for this fall that I will blog specifically about once they happen.

Here's a preview of the fun to come this season:
Apple Picking and other farm fall festivities (like the alliteration?) at Green Bluff on September 29
Weekend in Seattle for Carrie Underwood Concert and my parent's anniversary on October 6
Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride on October 20
My dad's birthday on November 2
Presidential Elections on November 6
My birthday on November 10
Thanksgiving on November 22

Also, the everyday occurrences will be busy, exciting, and fun as my teaching and housewife adventures continue through this season.

To celebrate this in-between season time, today I went both garage sale-ing AND to a farmer's market. My Kindergarten colleague invited me to go. It was a lot of fun!

Here are my awesome purchases that I am really excited about!
Brand new, still in the packaging Christmas lights for our house and tree: $6 for all 3 sets

Puzzle (will be a Christmas present for my MIL who loves puzzles): $0.50

Wooden Star coat rack: $4 (I have DIY Pinterest plans for this)

Two window-pane mirrors: $7 for both (again, more DIY/Pinterest plans)

I got this cute wood and metal cart for my mom for porch decor: $30

After several garage sales and many great buys, we headed to the farmer's market. So pretty! I took lots of pictures. Enjoy!

Vegetables are so much prettier at a market than at the store.

Aren't these just gorgeous?!!?! Ever since planning my wedding and choosing flowers, I have decided that dahlias are my new favorite flowers. I love every variety and the colors! SIGH :) I wanted to buy this, but it was $10 and that seemed a little pricey to me (plus I only had $7 left in cash)

Carved candles! The leave and rose petals were so cool.

Fun birdhouses!

Fresh-pressed apple cider smelled and tasted so good.

I bought a garlic parmesan roll (huge!) to munch on for $1.

I also bought a pasty from this bakery stand for $6. It has ground beef, onion, and potatoes in. It was frozen, I cooked it and we split if for dinner! So delicious!
Our neighbor has been growing a garden and when I got home she had left a bag of tomatoes, peppers, and corn on our doorstep. The corn was so sweet and juicy!

While the pasty baked, I decided another great way to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of fall was to make apple crisp! I had bought some huge Fuji apples at the store so it was perfect.
My sweet husband helped me!
Hubby mixing up the crumble.
All ready to go in the oven!

We ate our homegrown/homemade fall dinner while watching Definitely, Maybe

The cinnamony-smelling result!

:) mmmm, feels like fall now!

Any fun garage sale finds this summer? What do you love about fall?

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I LOVE all the pictures and girl, you SCORED at the Garage Sales! The apple crisp looks delicious - wish I had some right now.
