
Monday, September 10, 2012

Beauty Through Smoke

Okay, I'm gonna get all mushy and metaphor-y.

When I came outside of the school board meeting tonight, I saw this gorgeous sunset!
The picture (which I took out my car window while at a stop light) does not even do it justice! It was blood red orange and the sky around it was infused with the same intense hues!
I said to my colleague "Wow, look at that sunset!"
She replied "ya, it's because of all the smoke and junk in the air today."
"Oh, right. Well, it's still beautiful!"

And then on the drive home, I got to thinking. Sunsets are beautiful, they really are, and no two are alike. But this was exceptionally colorful and vibrant because of negative substance. Beauty from filth.

So then my mind jumped to some analogies about my life at this point in time and my faith.

Life at this point in time:
I applied to over 20 positions in 4 districts in 2 states for a teaching job. I had 2 interviews for 1st grade about 2 weeks apart. I REALLY wanted both positions. Unfortunately, both principals called me to say "you had really great answers, you'd be a great asset to the district, but....we hired someone else." I cried, a lot, both times. I was crushed. The school year was getting closer and I had no job. I thought either of those positions would have been perfect. A step up from my student-teaching experience in Kindergarten, a school really close to my house, a few weeks to plan before school started...great! But, notice I said "I" thought they would have been perfect. In spite of the major disappointment, I knew God had a different idea of perfect. That idea was a half-day Kindergarten position. Going into the interview, I was not as stoked because I wanted full time and I wanted a higher grade. But I went and I interviewed. When I left that interview I thought, there is NO way, I am getting that job. That was my worst interview of all 3. I rambled, didn't answer the questions right, was clueless about some answers. OH VEY! And yet...the call a few hours later said they wanted to hire me! WHAT?!?!?! Shocked and so happy, I accepted and started the next morning at 8:15. I have been going full steam ever since and now I am SO blessed to have 1/2 day. I don't know HOW I could handle full-time teaching with all the extra work that goes on. God knew I would be overwhelmed as it is with me job and wife roles. God knew I needed a nice transition into both of my  new roles. God had the perfect plan. He knew. So as I sit here each night, organizing, reading, filing, planning, etc. I am so thankful for my current sunset in spite of the smoke I went through to get here.

A smoky sunset could not be a better analogy of Christ's love, sacrifice, and grace for us. I believe that His goodness and mercy becomes even more profound and amazing in light of our selfish and sinful ways. Through our pain and suffering, we can rejoice in His peace and hope for the future. Through His pain and suffering, He freely offers us that hope. Beauty through smoke.

Here I am on the First Day of School, smiling, and so happy to be an official teacher! Praise Jesus!

Leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by and/or if you want to share your own Beauty Through Smoke story.

By the way, I have linked up with a couple other blogs that have many similar topics as my blog. Check them out here:

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