
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Such a wonderful day!

Wow! It's almost midnight but I cannot sleep. I have so much energy right now. I just finished playing some amazing indoor volleyball with my staff. Some of the best volleyball I have ever played. It is so much fun when other people know how to play well and you can get some good rallies and plays. Mmmm I love that sport so much!

well that was the end of my day, but rewinding, I woke up at 6:45 to join a good number of my staff for a run on the beach. The guys went all the way to Haystack and back but us few girls half jogged, half ran just part of the way and then back. Baby steps right? We are going again tomorrow and I'm actually really excited. Except the cold air makes my ears hurt really bad, so I need to find a solution for that. Hmmm

Today we learned about the philosophy of games, housekeeping, dress code, policies, the words and motions to all the songs we will be singing (my personal favorite from back in the day at CBCC "Pharaoh Pharaoh" included), and what to do if the tsunami siren goes off. We also spent time scheduling our days off (I get Wednesdays and Saturdays!) and which lessons we will each be teaching. During our break we hung out at the playground telling 30-second life stories and having swinging competitions during which I was accused of cheating because my legs are so long. Gee thanks!

After all our "work" for the day and dinner, the girls on Program Staff had a movie night (She's the Man) and then I was informed of the volleyball game starting, which brings me to 10 mintues til midnight and no sleepiness whatsoever.

I know it will get harder once the conferences actually start and it will start to feel more like work, but right now, it seems that I am the one at summer camp--making so many great friends and having way too much fun.

The theme verse we teach the kids all summer is Proverbs 3:5-6. Though it comes up often, it is a great one to keep in mind. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Our hand motions for the last phrase have our two hands parallel to each other but swerving all around like a winding path and then they snap to a straight path. It was a good visual reminder of how when we look to our own understanding, we can be going all over the place completely passing opportunities by or makings things harder for ourselves. If we trust God, the craziness gets straightened out and He makes it clear what we should be doing. Not always right away and often little bits at a time, but it's better than our crazy maneuvers.

And now I will sign out, not as Hannah, but as Spike. This will be my nickname all summer. Everyone from K2 age group down has a nickname for the kids to call us by. The only thing I could think of was something to do with the meaning of my last name "baby porcupine" but I didn't want to be "porcupine" or "porky" so my supervisor suggested Spike and I loved it because it fit with that and also my love for volleyball.

And now to attempt getting some sleep.


  1. SPIKE! I like it!! Sounds like you had another great day - be prepared, the real work WILL come.
    Glad you got in some good volleyball too.
    Love you!

  2. haha spike! you should have been "long legs" :)
