
Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Day of Rest

sigh...a day of rest is SO nice and necessary sometimes. I have been on 'go' constantly the last couple of weeks and it feels so good to just relax today. I've been listening to music while taking care of little to-do tasks as well as reading lots. I am know writing again. I have put my first book on hold for a little bit as I need to write some of the ideas that have been swirling in my head lately. Maybe it's not so smart to start another book before even finishing a decent chapter of one. But who's gonna stop me? lol

So that past couple weeks, SO much work! oyi, maybe I'm not ready to grow up yet! Naw, it's been okay, I'm just still adjusting to the mindset of full-time work and having to squeeze fun stuff, relaxing, friends, family, etc on the weekends! Went to the church campout last weekend and had an absolute blast! It was so nice to just hang out with people and not think or care about any of my to-do items. No email, no facebook, no texting. Sure I really love those things and would have a hard time without them but taking a break from them is SO SO nice. After 3 days at the campout, my dad, brother and I headed south, picking up a friend on the way to meet up with 15 others for a 3-dya river rafting trip. Again no cell phones or computers. Camping alongside the river at night, sleeping under the stars, spending time investing in what really matters: relationships. Oh I am so blessed by wonderful friends God has placed in my life. That group has an age range of 13-52 yet each and every one of them is my good friend regardless of age. The various ages allow for different kinds of relationships. There are people I am an example to, people I am at the same level, and those who I can seek for advice. I think the friendships I have with people of all ages is due to homeschooling because I was not surrounded by only my peers so I learned how to interact with all people and I am truly grateful for that today.

River rafting was such a blast! I will admit that I was a little nervous at first and wondering why I had replied to the email saying "sure, I'll go!" On the 3rd day when I saw the first 4 boats go through the Class 3 Rapids, I gripped the seat and thought, "what the heck was I thinking!?!?" but....I loved it! It was not scary or dangerous at all and I would go again in a heartbeat. Sunny weather, good friends, great food, dangling your feet in the cool water--all for 3 whole days, what more could you ask for??? Not much, I think.

Now I am home for the rest of the summer. 6 weeks from yesterday until I move back to school. Oh, so much to do in so little time!


  1. I would like go to river rafting but I know I'd be scared at first but I do think it'd be a blast.

    I read a lot too. My problem is that generally when i start a book I can't put it down. I stay up way too late to finish it.

    I need to go leave comments for your mom now. She will be jealous. ;)

  2. I'm so glad you went on the river rafting trip! Better still that you had a great time. :D It is nice you can get some relaxin' time in this summer. I know you've been working hard.
