
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 month down, 2.5 to go

June?!?!? Where did you go? Well, okay then...Hello July! My mom pointed out that there are onlye 177 days until Christmas! Geez, it seems like forever ago that I was doing Christmas parties at school, dressing up really wierd and then riding the train home for break. And yet, the past 6 months have flown by! Time is a very funny thing; I can't wait until it no longer matters. Although, trying to think about eternity right now (with time as my only context) it is extremely confusing and kinda scary. It's okay though becuase I know I won't care about it but will just be worshipping my Lord forever and ever!

4th of July is this weekend? Any fun plans? Traditions? Sometimes we go watch the fireworks show in town, sometimes we do our own. I don't think we're doing either this year but I have no idea.

July reminds me of more summery things I love:
~Cannon Beach, OR

The last brings back so many wonderful memories! My family went there for 9 summers in a row and had a blast each time! I have always planned to work their one summer as a teacher for on of the kids groups. I think I will do that next summer Lord willing. Ahh...a whole summer in the cutest little town, teaching kids, being on the beach! I can't wait. :)

But for now...the sun is setting and I think I will do some reading. Happy July!

1 comment:

  1. Great memories at Cannon Beach and you would be a GREAT teacher there. :D Although we sure would miss you here at home. :S
